AI And The Time Chain

In The I.T. Career Podcast, the host asked this question "This is a question I get asked a lot and I'm sure you've gotten it too, but how do the emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain and even ioT impacting especially the cyber-security landscape and the job market?"

I also saw some post on Linked In by a man asking for different large language models.

It's an interesting question and the guest had a great answer. He uses it to scrape data from job descriptions to learn what to focus on. I'm a little embarrassed that I have not thought of that yet.

I think AI is fun, but most people I know in real life are terrified of Terminator-esque outcomes. Everyone is afraid of the big bad tech and the corporate overlords, but ther are plenty of open source AI models that we can train ourselves without giving up our data to the digital overlords. The emergence of free and open source large language models being used as software as a service gives us the ability to hire little tiny invisible robots inside our computer to do microtasks. That's interesting in and of itself, but what's more interesting is that several of these services accept bitcoin over the lightning network as payment.

unleashed chat

nleashed chat allows you to choose a few Mixtral models. You can use this like a pay per question service that is similar to chat GPT. Want to ask what's going on in nostr? You can hire unleashed chat to do this for you. That's the way I see it. I am hiring a computer to do a little work for me. For example, the guest on the podcast, Josh Madakor has a great idea. He finds the job descriptions from various jobs in Indeed and asks chat GPT to help him with what he should add to his resume. You could do that on without a monthly fee. You might pay a quarter to get this question answered instead of paying $360 per year on a subscription service. You can also use similar services for images using Stable Diffusion or even DALL-E 3. See ppq and plebai.

Why Not Use A Credit Card?

Well, the problem with AI is that it takes a ton of electricity. That electricity has a cost. If someone burns a ton of this electricity with a stolen credit card, the credit card holder will be indemnified and the AI merchant will receive a chargeback. This is a security hole. Worse than that, the electricity is already used. We might say the credit card was stolen to steal electricity required to run AI. I've heard this from someone. I am not the first person to realize this and I'm not sure where I first heard of it. It was probably Guy Swann from the AI Unchained podcast, but I'm not 100% sure. Regardless of who first realized this, several companies are using bitcoin over the lightning network for payment. The advantage is they have no risk of charge backs. Most people still think blockchains like the bitcoin time chain are slow. Who wants to wait ten minutes to buy a cup of coffee? Well...Nobody, but we can send bitcoin over the lightning network as fast as lightning. This is not like the long string of numbers you might see on someone's website who is asking for a donation. It looks more like an email address. Here is the one I use for the website: [email protected]. If you try to send me an email, you'll get one of those MAIL
ER DEAMON returned email messages. It is not an email address. It is a lightning address.

Strike is a regulated company with a money transmitter licence and all that jazz althought you can run your own lighting node if you're tech savvy. If you're not tech savvy, you can buy a few bucks on Strike and hire AI to do some work for you too. This is how I use AI and "blockchain technology." I put blockchain in quotes because the lightning network only uses the bitcoin time chain to open a channel using a 2-of-2 multi-sig channel. The transactions on the lightning network are more like credit card charges. Everyone is paid what they are owed on the bitcoin time chain when the channel is closed like how you would close your tab at a bar at the end of the night.

But I Don't Believe In That Mumbo -Jumbo

If you're allergic to bitcoin, don't believe in it, or don't like volatility, you can instantly swap your bitcoin into dollars, or the natinoal currencies from these countries. They recently added Europe too. If you send more than a penny to me on Strike, that bitcoin instantly converts to US dollars I can spend right away. I can either buy a gift card for groceries right on the app or I can also send those dollars to my bank. I like bitcoin, but I need to pay credit cards and bills like everyone else. This is the easiest way for me to transfer money from one account to another account because I don't need to wait 3-5 days for the bank to do what the bank does. I'm not complaining, I just don'd understand how banks or the ACH rails work. If you found this blog post interesting, send me a tip using the lightning address. It will get converted to dollars, or pennies or whatever. Maybe you want to send money to a family member in another country from your couch. Maybe they can use this money to pay bills or ask AI for tips on how to find a job. Who wants to pay ten bucks to send money anyway?

What If I don't Want To Pay Anything?

Times are though. Maybe you don't have $5.00 to spare. Duck Duck's private AI Chat is totally free. You can choose from GPT-4o mini, Claude 3 Haiku, Llama 3.170B, and Mixtral 89x7B. Duck Duck Go claims your data stays in your browser, away from the Terminator eyes. That means you can use Open AI's GPT-4o mini without scanning your eyeballs for some dystopian digital eyeball scanning ID.

duck duck go ai

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